'Cadeau de Noël' established on Aiguille du Toula (Mont Blanc) by Niccolò Bruni, Federica Furia

Yet another new mixed climb on Aiguille de Toula in the Mont Blanc massif put up by Niccolò Bruni and his climbing partner Federica Furia. After C'est trop facile at the beginning of November, on Christmas Day the climbers established Cadeau de Noël on the same northeast face. The new line boasts five pitches with difficulties up to AI5, M4. All belays are equipped with at least one bolt, cord and abseil carabiner.
The couloir got its name because, as the Courmayeur mountain guide told planetmountain, "at the top of the route, precisely on the last pitch, I dropped my mobile phone, which I had bought a month ago. Luckily I found it at the base of the route buried in the snow, without any scratches and working perfectly."
The approach is about 20 minutes from Punta Helbronner, while the descent is via the normal route.