5 News found

You searched for: mount arapiles
Josune Bereziartu, Lynn Hill, Luisa Iovane: three women who have left their mark in the history of rock climbing
22/11/2021 - Climbing
Josune Bereziartu, Lynn Hill, Luisa Iovane: three women who have left their mark in the history of rock climbing
Three women, and three climbs, which helped change the course of rock climbing: Luisa Iovane on Comeback in Val San Nicolò in 1986, Lynn Hill on The Nose in 1993 and Josune Bereziartu on Bain de Sang in 2002. Our...
Goodbye to British rock climbing icon Andy Pollitt
14/11/2019 - Climbing
Goodbye to British rock climbing icon Andy Pollitt
Andy Pollitt, a rock climbing icon of 80’s and 90’s, passed away on 13 November 2019 in a Melbourne hospital. He was 56. Dave Barnes pays tribute.
Three beautiful trad climbs in Australia, with Mayan Smith-Gobat and Benjamin Rueck
02/07/2014 - Climbing
Three beautiful trad climbs in Australia, with Mayan Smith-Gobat and Benjamin Rueck
The video of Mayan Smith-Gobat and Benjamin Rueck on three superb trad climbs in Australia: Kachoong (mount arapiles), Passport to Insanity (The Fortress) and Welcome to Barbados (Red Cave).
Arapiles, climbing at Australia's finest crag
13/12/2013 - Climbing
Arapiles, climbing at Australia's finest crag
Simon Carter introduces the climbing at Arapiles, the most famous crag in Australia that, this year, celebrates it's 50th anniversary.
The evolution of free climbing
23/12/2012 - Climbing
The evolution of free climbing
Switzerland's Claude Remy provides a chronological analysis of the evolution free climbing (bouldering and difficulty). An article which clearly is not and cannot be definitive, but is merely a stimulus for further analysis and discussion about the evolution of this...